10 Things To Tell Yourself When You Don’t Want To Work

Do you ever just have those ‘meh’ days? When you wake up, get out of bed and all you can think about doing- as you stare hazily at your snooze button- is going back to sleep. You do? Then try this, when you set your alarm for the morning try editing the ‘Title’ of the alarm to one of these manifestations and if that still doesn’t do it then before cracking on with your workload/studies and after setting yourself up repeat all ten of the following:

  1. I will know what to do as soon as I start. Ideas never emerge from inactivity, so just do it !
  2. I’m going to be the person who overcomes their insecurities. If I’m not uncomfortable, I’m not growing.
  3. One hour a day equates to 365 hours a year. How can I not make progress after all that work?
  4. Every mistake increases my chance to make progress.
  5. Every moment that I thought my fears would suppress me has become the moment I made it,
  6. Make myself proud.
  7. Make them proud.
  8. I am very lucky to have almost unlimited access to knowledge, let me use it!
  9. Nothing good comes easy.
  10. If I invest in what matters to me, I will find a way to harness my skills.

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